20 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat Raw

Given the strong tendency of raw diets, we wonder if all foods should be consumed in this way. It turns out that this is not the case. In fact, some foods are harmful to health if they are not processed or cooked beforehand. Some foods can be eaten raw, but you must be careful in doing so.

1. Milk

Fresh milk is thought to be the best type of body milk, but fresh does not directly mean cow, goat, sheep, buffalo or camel. Raw milk or unpasteurized milk may contain harmful bacteria and other germs that can make you very sick or kill you. It can also cause serious infections such as Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli. Studies by the CDC show that raw milk epidemics continue to endanger the health of people.

2. Kale

It is well known that kale is one of the healthiest foods in the world. However, eating a lot of raw cabbage can cause hormonal abnormalities that cause fluctuations in blood sugar, weight and metabolic health. This can result in swelling of the thyroid gland or goiter.

3. Eggs

Although it is more common to eat raw eggs in countries like Japan and Korea, it has become popular thanks to a scene in Rocky where the boxer drank raw eggs. A small myth that raw eggs are healthier than boiled eggs is the subject of a small study that reveals that the protein content of boiled eggs (90%) is higher than that of raw eggs (50%). There have been outbreaks of Salmonella infections due to contaminated egg shells. Still, you can still eat hollandaise sauce as long as you use pasteurized eggs, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

4. Almonds
Almonds are a nutritious snack rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats. These seeds, commonly known as nuts, contain naturally occurring cyanide - the exact ingredient often used as a crime weapon in Agatha Christie's books. According to a case study, already 4 to 5 bitter almonds can cause drowsiness, nausea and abdominal pain. Although these raw bitter almonds are illegal in America, they still are illegal in some countries.

5. Elderberries

Elderberry contains antioxidants and is known to relieve colds, fight the flu and strengthen the immune system. But according to one report, eating or drinking raw elderberries or any other toxic part of the plant can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness. Fortunately, toxic substances in berries can be safely eliminated by cooking.

6. Flour

It is hard to resist the consumption of a spoonful of raw dough, especially when it comes to cookie dough, but not only because the raw egg causes salmonella infection, but also because of the E-gangcol in the flour. In 2016, 63 people contracted an outbreak of E. coli infections related to raw meals. Since bacteria are killed when flour foods are cooked, you must control your urge until the oven kills the bacteria for you.

7. Brussels sprouts

For good reasons, mothers like to say, "Eat your Brussels sprouts!" - They are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Brussels sprouts can be eaten raw and should not be cooked too long. If you have hypothyroidism, you should not eat it raw because it is one of the potential toxins of thyroid dysfunction.

8. Apples

They say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but the tragic fall of Snow White was a mouthful of apple. Certainly, the white snow apple was toxic and probably not, but caution is required when you bite into raw apples. Accidental chewing of apple seeds containing amygdalin releases cyanide. Even though you need to consume about 40 apple kernels to get a lethal dose, the Toxic Substances and Disease Control Agency (TSDR) says that even a small amount of cyanide can be dangerous and discourages the consumption of apple pips.

9. Cashew nuts

Cashews are not only a delicious snack, they also lower bad cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart attack and help maintain a healthy weight. However, raw cashew nuts contain urushiol, a toxic substance found in poison ivy that belongs to the same botanical family as cashews. Touch can trigger a skin reaction in some people.

10. Tuna

If you plan to eat sushi or ahi poke, expect to eat the freshest raw tuna. Although you can eat raw tuna, there may be a risk of foodborne illness if raw tuna has not been kept away from raw meat or any other raw fish. Raw tuna also has a very high mercury content, which can have toxic effects on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. A study also found that the amount of bio-accessible mercury in cooked fish was 40-60% lower than that of raw fish.

11. Sprouts

Shoots are one of the easiest plants to grow and nutrient dense. However, eating raw sprouts can cause food poisoning that can lead to stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting 1 to 8 days after eating the sprouts. Raw or lightly cooked sprouts have led to foodborne illnesses.

12. Tomatoes

Although tomatoes can be eaten raw, researchers at Cornell University have shown that the antioxidant activity of cooked tomatoes is superior to that of uncooked tomatoes. This suggests that tomatoes must be cooked before being eaten to do more. Tomatoes are the tenth largest vegetable containing pesticide residues, so they should be washed first. Unripe stems, leaves and tomatoes are poisonous and should not be eaten.

13. Lima beans

Lima beans contain linamarine, which produces cyanide when consumed raw. Fortunately, the cyanide content is reduced during cooking until Lima beans are fit for consumption. In America, Lima beans sold in stores must have a low cyanide content, but in some countries such a requirement does not exist.

14. Potatoes

It may not be common to eat raw potatoes, but children may eat them like apples. Potatoes contain anti-nutrients that can affect digestion and nutrient absorption. Boiling potatoes can reduce the lectin, one of the anti-nutrients, from 50% to 60%. Glycoalkaloids in potatoes can cause drowsiness, itching, increased sensitivity and digestive problems in large amounts. They can also be reduced by peeling and cooking them.

15. Chicken

There's a reason why Gordon made Ramsay every time he was served raw chicken: it's a poison. Unlike beef, consuming raw chicken can cause serious illness because it contains salmonella, campylobacter, or both, which can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. One study found that poultry was the most prevalent epidemic in 1998-2012. The CDC says the chicken should be cooked to a safe internal temperature of 165 ° F.

16. Mushrooms

Raw mushrooms contain agaritine, which has a carcinogenic effect on the bladder of the mouse. Although the risk of attracting mushroom nutrients, which could reduce the risk of cancer, appears to be much lower, with about 2 cases per 100,000 lives, it is best to cook mushrooms first. Cooking mushrooms can also reduce mercury contamination of mushroom flour.

17. Red kidney beans

Red kidney beans contain toxins called phytohemagglutinin (kidney bean lectin), which can cause diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis, severe nausea and vomiting if you only eat 4 or 5 raw red kidney beans. The FDA says that red kidney beans, soaked for 5 hours, must be boiled for at least 10 minutes to be safely consumed.

18. Rhubarb leaves
You can technically eat rhubarb raw, as long as you leave the leaves out of the picture. While rhubarb stalk is nutritious and was used for medicinal purposes in ancient China, its leaves are poisonous and should not be eaten raw or cooked. They contain oxalic acid which may cause diarrhea, red-colored urine, nausea, and vomiting.

19. Olive

Unlike most foods presented in this article, olives should not be eaten raw because they are inedible and not because they can make you sick or kill you. Raw olives are extremely bitter and if you made a mistake selecting one and stuffing it in the mouth while walking among the Tuscan olive trees, it is likely that you choke and spit out.

20. Honey

Raw honey may contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which is particularly harmful to babies, children under one year of age and pregnant women. It can cause botulism intoxication with side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. As a result, this can lead to life-threatening paralysis.