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12 Tricks That Affect Your Body in an Unexpected Way

 12 Tricks That Affect Your Body in an Unexpected Way

Imagine this situation: you have a very important meeting in an hour, but you also have a big headache. Or you sit in the dentist's chair and your stomach suddenly decides to rebel. These annoying problems can seriously affect your daily life, especially if you do not have any medications. Fortunately, there are many useful tips that can help you manage and control your body quickly.

12. Blow on your thumb to calm your nerves.

Why it works: Your thumbs have a direct impact on the vagus nerve that controls your heart rate. So, if you blow on it, you slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, which helps you calm down quickly.

11. Hold a pencil between your teeth to boost your mood.

Why it works: When you hold a pen in your mouth, you can activate your laughing muscles, which can trick your brain and increase your mood.

10. Soothe a tickling throat by scratching your ear.

Why it works: When the nerves of your ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in your throat that can cause muscle spasm. This muscle spasm can relieve tickling in the throat.

9. Turn off your gag reflex by squeezing your left thumb.

Why does it work? It's unclear whether it's a particular set of nerves in your hand or just a distraction in your brain, but there's evidence that this trick could help you.

8. Stop a nosebleed by pressing on your upper gums.

Why it works: Pressure on the gums is thought to block the artery that feeds the nose with blood.

7. Swallow stubborn pills by tilting your head forward.

Why it works: Drinking a little water and tilting your head forward rather than back makes it easier to handle hard-to-swallow capsules. In this case, the capsules should float and be immediately in the neck.

6. “Wake up” your arm by moving your head around.

Why does it work? An angry arm is often the result of nerve compression in the neck. So releasing the muscles in your neck can relieve the extra pressure in your arm.

5. Prevent burn scars by pressing the pads of your fingers against the burnt skin.

Why it works: If you apply light pressure with your fingers, the burned area will quickly regain a normal skin temperature and blisters will be less likely to form.

4. Relieve a headache by putting your hands under cold water.

Why it works: Cold temperatures can increase blood flow throughout your body. It works better on your hands because they have many nerves directly connected to the brain.

3. Deal with fear of needles by coughing.

Why it works: Coughing can be a simple distraction for your brain. It also temporarily increases your blood pressure, which reduces the perception of pain.

2. Make your toothache disappear by putting an ice cube on the back of your hand between your index finger and your thumb.

Why it works: This part of your hand is filled with neuronal pathways that send pain signals into your brain, and the cold temperature can block these signals.

1. Get rid of hiccups by raising your arms above your head and stretching. 

Why it works: Stretching can actually restore the muscles of your diaphragm and prevent it from contracting involuntarily.